14 December 2023

A new parametric library is available in TopSolid'Store.
MERIVOBOX (N/M/K/E) Units are waiting for you with many new functions.
Once downloaded from our TopSolid’Store, TopSolid’Wood users will be able to access two range of parametric drawer Units directly from TopSolid.
Available in English and French, these items provide.
- Item Designation
- Item Reference
- Supplier information
- The drawers systems are fully parametrized and provide key points / machining process / finishing / options as drivers.
Include these drawers system in one of your parameterized bloc driver to release the full potential.
Let’s create – The box platform for your ideas
Offering variety has never been so easy. This platform makes it incredibly simple to manufacture and assemble drawers and pull-outs to meet every demand. Experience maximum functionality combined with stunning design.
In short, MERIVOBOX makes your ideas and those of your customers happen.
Get a head start and get ready for the challenges that lie ahead.

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