
Missler Software, Grand Prix des Entreprises de Croissance 2018 award winner!

4 June 2018

On May 17, at the prestigious Pavillon d’Armenonville in Paris, Missler Software came out on top in the Grand Prix des Entreprises de Croissance Internet & Software category, awarded by Leaders League and the employer organization Croissance Plus. This event aims to boost the growth of France’s economic fabric. (

Leaders League and the Grand Prix des Entreprises de Croissance:

More than 300 participants gathered at the Pavillon d’Armenonville in Paris for the fifth Grand Prix des Entreprises de Croissance, to discover 2018’s fastest-growing companies that are the pride of France. For the last five years, Leaders League, in partnership with the French Finance Ministry, has been rewarding companies from France and bordering French-speaking countries that have achieved a significant increase in turnover in recent years and whose strategy combines innovation, job creation, collaborative management and social, societal and environmental responsibility. This event showcases companies of all sizes and from all sectors, to reflect the French economic fabric. Selected based on their growth and results, 200 companies were shortlisted and auditioned by a jury of industry experts in each sector.

The talented and dedicated winners showcased 14 sectors of activity in our economy. CAD/CAM and ERP software publisher Missler Software emerged victorious in the Internet and Software €10-50M turnover category, winning the 2018 Grand Prix.

Missler Software and TopSolid:

We are of course delighted and honored to receive this prestigious award, which rewards all Missler Software and TopSolid teams and partners across the globe. This award recognizes the company’s continuous growth over the past decade, a clear and coherent strategy to address the industrial production market, a product with the latest cutting-edge technology, high-performing sales teams, topped off with high-quality financial results. All of these factors contribute to strengthening the company and its ecosystem year after year, allowing it to invest in its future, and continue the virtuous cycle of profitable growth, without which real lasting success is not possible.

In 2009, with 190 employees and a distinctly national scope, Missler Software’s turnover was €21.3 million. In 2017, it stood at €41.5 million, with 302 employees and subsidiaries in Switzerland, the United States, China, and Italy. This fantastic progress in less than ten years centers on two major development and growth focus areas.

  • An organic technology and sales focus: gradual deployment of the new version of its TopSolid CAD/CAM software, entirely redeveloped using state-of-the-art techniques and compatible with future high-tech developments (PDM, private or public cloud, collaborative platforms). Without compromising on what makes it what it is: the digital chain to seamlessly sequence the design, manufacturing and management tasks of designers and manufacturers. This is enabling TopSolid to gain more and more converts across the globe, from a myriad of companies and manufacturing workshops (mechanical, special machinery, tools, sheet metal work, boilerwork, fitters, etc.). The German and Japanese markets, with two of the largest manufacturing economies in the world, have been particularly receptive to the solutions proposed by the French software publisher in the last ten years.
  • An external growth focus: TopSolid’s distribution network, established in the 2000s, is now a natural source of consolidation for the software publisher, adapting to opportunities. Distributors in the United States, China, Switzerland and Italy have gradually consolidated the scope of Missler Software since 2014 as part of the cross-functional ExtendedMS project.

Around two-thirds of Missler Software’s growth is organic, with the other third from external growth operations.

This largely self-financed growth goes hand in hand with a hike in the company’s profits. It has seen its net profit rise from 5% to more than 12% of total sales over the 2009-2017 period. As such, we find ourselves in a very virtuous cycle of sustained and profitable growth, which heralds a bright future for Missler Software, its teams and its partners, and of course its TopSolid product and its thousands of customers around the world. The company has big plans to continue its development. One thing is certain: it will not be changing a strategy that both meets the expectations of the world of industrial production and allows rapid and healthy growth!


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