16 March 2015
From March 16th – 19th WFL Millturn Technologies presents not only its newest machine models, but also innovations in the areas of software and especially technology, at the Technology Meeting in Linz, Austria. Professional visitors will have the chance to collect first-hand information from the machining experts of WFL and from a variety of leading providers of tools, measuring devices and CAD-CAM-systems among them Missler Software and Comdata.

At the recently expanded headquarter in Linz, WFL Millturn Technologies exhibits daily from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm the entire spectrum of machinery, ranging from the M35 to the M150 MILLTURN. With this high-tech-product portfolio, complex workpieces in nearly all sizes can be completely manufactured efficiently at the lowest possible costs. Multitasking machining from A-Z in the production area, in-process technologies and innovative scientific talks in the field of manufacturing can be experienced.
For the past 15 years, the in-depth work carried out by Missler Software and its local TopSolid reseller Comdata (for post-processor development) for WFL Millturn Technologies has led the machine builder to provide its clients with a combined machine and software TopSolid’Cam offering; the service is provided by local distributors. The use of TopSolid’Cam by the WFL machining-programming department for creating machine acceptance tool-paths reflects the full confidence of the world's leading machine-tool builder in the integrated CAD/CAM solution.
With the launching of the last version TopSolid’Cam 7.9, Missler Software along with Comdata will introduce the latest post-processors developed for both users of TopSolid’Cam version 6 as well as the new generation of TopSolid’ Cam 7. Already present in TopSolid v6, a screw machining function has been adapted and integrated in the new generation of TopSolid 7. Unique on the market, this function is the efficient solution for screw manufacturers and a specific post-processor will be soon available.
About Missler Software
Missler Software, whose headquarters is located just outside Paris, France, is the software developer of the TopSolid CAD/CAM/ERP software range dedicated to the mechanical manufacturing, toolmaking, wood and sheetmetal industries. In 2014 company turnover was €28M for 220 employees. Every year Missler Software invests in the region of 30% of its annual turnover in Research and Development for its integrated software range. The company was founded in 1984 and has been present on the international market since 1997. Missler Software exports approximately 60% of its software licenses via a network of 80 value added resellers throughout the world. For further information visit www.topsolid.com
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