21 March 2011
New TopSolid corporate web sites - English, French, German, Italian and Spanish

Missler Software has just completely revamped its TopSolid web sites.
Visitors can now easily discover all there is to know about the TopSolid range of CAD/CAM solutions on offer, customer references, TopSolid resellers, product videos, etc. in a more user-friendly interface. The new English and French speaking web sites were launched last summer and more recently the new German, Italian and Spanish web sites were launched.
The new look for the TopSolid web sites coincides with the new company graphical identity which was launched last year. In fact a whole new look has been brought to the TopSolid product range which reflects the huge development projects going on with the launch of TopSolid 7, the new generation of CAD/CAM software being developed by Missler Software.
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