30 September 2013
Thanks to proprietary post processors and interfaces, Missler Software Reseller AdeQuate Solutions has become a successful partner for the integration of the TopSolid CAD/CAM software in the customers' manufacturing processes since the company was founded 10 years ago. Reason enough to extensively celebrate this big birthday with more than 100 customers, collaborators and friends.

Prior to the party in the "Lahrer Schlachthof", the participants presented a comprehensive program with customer presentations, product presentations, partner talks and forecasts from the Missler Software CEO Christian Arber on future CAD/CAM development. Around 50 customers seized the opportunity to collect information on the new functions expected from the French integrated CAD/CAM software, but also on the broad range of integration and partner solutions. Among them many TopSolid'Wood software users for wood processing were present.
At the opening of the Customer Day, Jorgen Lorenzen outlined the successful development of the last ten years, which is reflective of the growing team: AdeQuate Solutions employs more than 30 employees who have considerably contributed to the company's success with their juvenile panache, as outlined by Jorgen Lorenzen. The company's development to become an expert in manufacturing integration took place in several technological steps characterised by the development of proprietary interfaces. Stephane Belkis who founded the company together with Jorgen Lorenzen explained the scope of services and functionalities to the attendees.
Concurrently to the development of their own interfaces, AdeQuate Solutions extended in the past years the network of partnerships to complementary solution providers, i.e. tool management, NC simulation or BDE/DNC (Operating Data Aquisition/NC data transfer). Some of these partners were invited to introduce their products during the Customer Day. Johann Hofmann Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen aroused big interest among the participants with his lecture introducing an innovative approach to production integration based on the XML-based MR-CM data hub.
Moreover, several customers reported on their experience with the integration solutions of AdeQuate Solutions. Armin Vieweger from Liebherr Components explained the advantages expected by the company from the complementary use of NC simulation software to the guests. According to Christian Blaurock SPN Company, the foundations for the automation of the manufacturing process are laid in R&D, at least as far the CAM programming is concerned. Kurt Fritz of the Lindner Group explained to the attendees how the worldwide leading specialist in interior work, insulation technology and structural facings models complex fireproof doors from the order data collected in the ERP system using TopSolid.
AdeQuate Solutions gave attendees a preview of the new TopSolid 7 generation, which is likely to be introduced in 2013 in the first German customer plants with the appropriate technology. The core novelties include in addition to a more intuitive operator guide a fully integrated production data management with version control and the possibility of working in a more project-oriented way. Missler Software's goal with the advanced development of their CAD/CAM solution consists among others in mapping the customers' manufacturing know-how even better and thereby making it reusable, as explained by Christian Arber. In doing so, production data management plays a critical role.
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