TOPSOLID SAS has just signed a partnership with HÄFELE allowing TopSolid user to access their products models inside TopSolid.

Once downloaded from our TopSolid’Store, TopSolid’Wood users will be able to access this products directly from TopSolid.
Search functions will allow them to find the required item and create advanced libraries to boost their productivity.
Available in 3 language ( English / French / German) these items provide
- Item Designation
- Item Reference
- Supplier information
Häfele, an international company providing hardware and fitting systems, electronic locking systems and LED light, has a long and rich history that began in 1923. The German family-owned and operated company has grown from a local speciality store for joinery requirements into a company with global operations. Today customers from 150 countries rely on Häfele's expertise and performance.
“Right from the beginning we have asked ourselves what our customers will need tomorrow, and how society and markets will change. This is the origin of our innovations”. (Sibylle Thierer)
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