Since 1993, TDM Systems is developing software for managing data for tools, jigs and fixtures, measuring and inspection equipment as well as setup and chucking devices. We provide complete integration with CAD/CAM-NC software, presetters, shuttles, simulation software and ERP systems. In 2004, we became the Sandvik Group's official Know-How Center for tool data management.
TDM´s product philosophy is the support of all company devices with too data from a central data base. TDM Systems wants to support TopSolid users with available tool data by a performant link to the TDM data base. The integration TDM-TopSolid provides TopSolid programmers direct access to required tool information. By using the TopSolid environment, cutting conditions, feeds & speeds and collision data are available in TopSolid. The export and import of tool lists support an efficient NC-programming.
Beside our software solutions we provide individual project management, engineering software training, system maintenance as well as a technical helpline.
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