28 July 2011

The month of May was rich in user days for the international TopSolid VAR network and community. Below is just a small collection of some of the events organized by the TopSolid German-speaking VARs.
NCDATA User Days
It was at the military avation museum in Dübendorf in Switzerland that the Swiss VAR NCDATA welcomed its TopSolid users on May 11th. More than 70 users were present at the event which officially inaugurated TopSolid 2011. NCDATA also tokk the opportunity to present the TopSolid roadmap and the important dates for new releases throughout the year. Jakob Broger, NCDATA CEO spoke briefly of the future generation of TopSolid and emphasized that this new generation would not be available to its customers until May 2012. The NCDATA user day concluded with a guided visit of the aviation museum.
CADAM Solutions AG User Days
CADAM Solutions welcomed its TopSolid users on May 6th in the Lorenzsall congress centre in the town of Cham. The CADAM team presented the company’s 2010 results following on from a very successful year for the company thanks to such internally developed products as cadamTOOL, cadamDNC and cadamEDIT. TopSolid 2011 was nonetheless the central theme of the meeting. Many of the 2011 improvements have resulted from customer suggestions and requests notably the much appreciated Z level helical machining. The user day was completed with a customer testimony by the company Polytype Manufacturing AG in Fribourg and by a short presentation of a project carried out closely with RUAG Altendorf.
WeSt GmbH User Conference
40 users from more than 20 companies came to the 2011 seminar organised by the German VAR, West GmbH. Ulrich Alt, CEO of WeSt GmbH presented TopSolid 2011 and its many new functions and improvements for TopSolid’Design, TopSolid’Mold and TopSolid’Cam. The TopSolid users present were very enthousiastic and positive about the new version.
Techsoft Datenverarbeitung GmbH User Conference
The Austrian TopSolid VAR Techsoft held its annual user conference at the Steyregg castle, near Linz. In this magnificent historical castle more than 500 Techsoft customers came together to discover TopSolid 2011. The plenary session was followed by a „cloud computing“ presentation.
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