21 February 2012

Missler Software will launch the latest version of TopSolid’Design over the coming month. This new version is called TopSolid’Design 7.6. The 7th generation of TopSolid offers huge innovations on the CAD/CAM market by simplifying the design and modification of large assemblies in an organised and structured environment. The end user of the new software generation benefits from productivity gains estimated at being 30% superior to traditional solutions.
Missler Software is a software developer that takes into account manufacturing imperatives throughout the entire product development lifecycle and does not only worry about managing the CAD definition of the part. The French software developer’s philosophy of offering a complete solution right up to and including the actual programming of the machine tool means that manufacturing considerations are taken into account in the CAD stage. FreeShape is a new function in TopSolid 7 which ensures that the correct tolerances are applied to parts designed using TopSolid but it can also manage tolerances for imported parts designed using another CAD software. FreeShape is one of TopSolid’Design’s key functions.
Another groundbreaking function in TopSolid 7 is its completely integrated and transparent PDM. All data management actions are carried out directly in TopSolid (rename, move, copy/paste, …) and data is shared and secured transparently (guaranteed data integrity, PDM messenger, …)
Let’s take a look at some of the major improvements in the 7.6 version.
3D part creation wizard
This new function allows you to rebuild 3D parts from imported 2D files, notably DXF drafts. The new 3D part creation wizards enable you to quickly and automatically create 3D parts.
Today’s Methods Department often has to completely redesign parts which will be manufactured. This obviously leads to huge time losses and repeat data entry. With the new 3D part creation wizard Missler Software tries to make the rebuilding of parts as painless as possible. Time savings in the region of 30 to 50% have been observed in manufacturing and sub-contracting sites thanks to the new 3D wizard. This new function is a clear example of Missler Software’s manufacturing considerations being developed in its CAD application.
Drilling extraction
FreeShape is a new concept in TopSolid’Design 7 which means that users do not need a history tree to edit imported parts. In the 7.6 version Missler Software has further improved this function with the possibility of extracting drillings from imported parts. TopSolid’Design detects and automatically recreates drilling operations thereby allowing the user to easily change and manage the drilling position for each operation. Again we can see Missler Software’s manufacturing objectives behind this new function.
Excel link
With TopSolid’Design 7.6 you can drive your design directly from an Excel document. One of the advantages of entering parameters in an Excel spreadsheet which is external to TopSolid is that staff members that do not use TopSolid’Design or are not equipped with TopSolid’Design can enter dimensions directly at the customer site (for example a steel frame manufacturer who goes on site directly to measure sizes and dimensions) Once the Excel spreadsheet is filled in a simple connection to TopSolid’Design will update the CAD designs, BOMs and associated drawings.
More complete draft creation
Missler Software understands the importance of having complete and detailed 2D drawings and does not consider that 2D drafts are something of the past in today‘s 3D world. We all know that contracts are still signed based on 2D drawings.
Today’s manufacturing companies still need to make impressive 2D draft documents which are complete and meet industry standards without having to use an external 2D application. For this reason improved draft creation is one of the key improvements in TopSolid 7.6. Let’s take a look at just 3 of the improvements in TopSolid’Design’s draft functions:
- Create and include 2D components and customizable symbols (to fully complete your draft documents)
- Drilling tables (which show the position of each hole, the type of hole to make, etc.)
- Revision index tables and difference notes (to manage product life cycles)
You no longer need an external solution to create impressive 2D draft documents.
About Missler Software
Missler Software is one of the leading global suppliers of CAD, CAM and ERP solutions with its product line TopSolid. Missler Software offers a uniquely integrated solution for the mechanical engineering industry (general mechanical design, special machinery, tooling, boilerwork …) and for sheet metal and wood industries.
Thanks to its advanced technology and its fully integrated solution, Missler Software is experiencing rapid growth in the global CAD/CAM market. For further information contact info@topsolid.com or visit www.topsolid.com
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