
Missler Software and Okuma collaborate closely together

30 October 2012

Missler Software is happy to announce the close collaboration with Okuma on a worldwide basis to guarantee the delivery of a machine tool and CAM software that work together. Proven global base post-processors, excellent machine simulation possibilities and customer support are provided to their respective customers.

Powerful TopSolid’Cam functions to drive complex Okuma machines

Okuma is a “total” machine tool maker, developing its own machines and controls (OSP). To support customers creating new machining value, Okuma’s integrated machine & control manufacturing provides a wide lineup of advanced, “Only-One” products. In order to run these high-end machines worldwide, Okuma collaborates closely with Missler Software for the development of base post-processors.

TopSolid’Cam is perfectly adapted to driving complex multitasking Okuma machines. Machine simulation, collision check, spindle synchronization, raw part updating and visualization of material removal are important elements of TopSolid’Cam for the tool path programming of Okuma machines. In addition TopSolid’Cam offers a unique CAM solution in that it is capable of piloting turning, 2-axis milling, 3-axis milling, 4-and 5-axis continued milling (simultaneous), as well as a combination of these machining methods (multitasking), synchronization and complex simulation. 

A win-win situation

Dominique Laffret, Vice-President of Strategic Relationships at Missler Software explains: “Many of our customers are equipped with Okuma machines. By closely collaborating with Okuma, we can better respond to the needs of companies equipped with such high-performance Okuma multitasking machines. These customers are concerned with high-end precision machining and need a top class CAM solution to drive these machines.”

About Missler Software

Missler Software is one of the leading global suppliers of CAD, CAM and ERP solutions with its product line TopSolid. Missler Software offers a uniquely integrated solution for the mechanical engineering industry (general mechanical design, special machinery, tooling, boilerwork …) and for sheet metal and wood industries.

Thanks to its advanced technology and its fully integrated solution, Missler Software is experiencing rapid growth in the global CAD/CAM market. For further information, contact or visit

About Okuma

Okuma is a "total" machine tool maker, developing its own machines and controls (OSP). To support customers creating new machining value, Okuma's integrated machine & control manufacturing provides a wide line-up of advanced, "Only-One" products. In order to run these high-end machines worldwide, Okuma is in collaboration with Missler Software for the development of the base posts. 

For further information, please visit

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