
TopSolid'Wood at IWF!

16 July 2018

Missler Software will be presenting TopSolid'Wood 2019 at IWF trade fair, 22-25 August, Atlanta, booth 8091.

TopSolidWood’s innovative parametric and associative software allows fast and accurate solid modeling creation. Models of any shape or complexity, with any imaginable interior design or furniture can be created with a full suite of tools dedicated to wood manufacturing.

Global project customization, big assemblies management, File revision, Manufacturing your legacy data and much more other tools that provides TopSolid’Wood will convince you to move forward with us.

For more information, our team will be happy to answer all your questions and demonstrate the capabilities and potential of TopSolid’Wood 2019, on booth 8091.

Here are just some of the new features of TopSolid'Wood that will be on show at the exhibition and will enable users of the software to design parts even faster and more precisely: 

  • Grain matching for nesting
  • An automated nesting process
  • Highly efficient bended components
  • Advanced 2D functions
  • Improved realistic rendering performance

Paul Demchuk, President of Vectorline says: "We considered a number of software systems, but none really met the market's need for a totally customizable, engineering design tool. Then at last, we discovered TopSolid. We were blown away!"

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