18 September 2014

Evry, September 10, 2014
The 18th ECMI conference (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry) was held in Taormina, Italy, on the topic of: "Applied Mathematics meets Industry and New Technologies". Organized by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, the conference brought together 445 participants on the topic of mathematics and its applications in various sectors, namely aerospace, information technology, communication, biology, finance and, finally, education.
The main objective of the consortium, consisting of both universities and industrial institutions, is to promote and encourage the use of mathematical models in economic and social life.
Renowned mathematics professors took it in turns to discuss the following topics in plenary sessions:
- Mathematical models applied to life sciences,
- The science of materials and semiconductors,
- Mathematical methods in the environment and mathematical and computational finance,
- The automation of industrial design.
It was on this last topic that our CEO, Christian Arber, spoke, an engineer and mathematician in a former life who has kept many contacts in this community. The aim was to testify to the key role played by geometric techniques in solving practical CAD/CAM problems, particularly in TopSolid (positionings, simulations, sketches, etc.). This presentation took place in the workshop entitled "Mathematics and CAGD: interactions and intersections" (Costanza Conti, University of Firenze, ITALY, Hartmut Prautzsch, Karlsruhe University, GERMANY, Weiyin Ma, City University of Hong Kong, CHINA, Tomas Sauer, University of Passau, GERMANY, Christian Arber, Missler Software, FRANCE) and gathered some big names in current geometric research. It was also very useful and interesting to be able to discuss and compare the new ideas that are constantly emerging for the modeling and animation of objects in space, heralding the future of CAD/CAM in ten or twenty years' time, and to have a chance to get TopSolid better known within the advanced geometry research community.
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