14 September 2010

With 30 years yachting experience NV Equipment has become a reputed name in the nautical world. Specialized in the design of awnings and covers for sailboats and motor boats, NV Equipment focuses on the development of outdoor customized coverings for boats.

NV Equipment’s products cover, protect and generate comfort on board whether the boat is sailing or moored. NV Equipment looks after the security and well-being of yachtsmen. The company masters a wide range of tasks: conception in the Design Department; bending and welding of armatures made of inox or aluminium; the selection, cutting and pitting of marine covers and the final assembly. The company supplies a tailor-made finished product thanks to the more than 6000 referenced templates it possesses.
Today, the company has 150 employees with its customers including national and international shipyards in addition to individual end-users. The principal advantages of NV Equipment’s offer are its experience in the domain, its know-how and its reactivity.
Using TopSolid
In 1997 NV Equipment purchased 2 TopSolid stations. Since then the company has progressively invested in the TopSolid offer, it now has 11 TopSolid licences. “We choose TopSolid’Design” explains M. Preaud, Head of the Design Department, “because TopSolid offers the best solution re price/quality and more importantly as the software perfectly matches our needs.”
“In addition, we can quickly work on new concepts thanks to TopSolid. This enables us to increase our capacity to innovate and especially to gain credibility. We work directly from projects to create our own designs. The quality of the interfaces integrated in TopSolid enables us engage in a better dialogue with our clients and thus become more reactive.”
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