
- Environmental management
- Limitless design
- Parametric components
- Realistic rendering
- Associative design
- Automated manufacturing file
- Work in BIM process
- Additional modules
Environmental management
From the simplest to the most complex, TopSolid will adapt to your constraints and those of your customers.
- Assisted modeling of buildings
- Step, Dxf/Dwg, Rvt (Revit©), Sldsam/Sldprt (Solidworks©), IFC (BIM) imports, etc.
- Point cloud import (xyz, pts, ply, etc.) compatible with any brand of 3D scanner and photogrammetry system
Limitless design
Model your ideas without restriction, express your creativity with works that look like you!
- Design based on profiles, sheet metals, mechanical parts, etc.
- Multi-materials (steel, wood, glass, composite, plastic, stone, etc.)
- Job orders (staircase, railings, bars, etc.)
- Complete sheet metal module (unfolding, bending loss rules, rolling with leadout, etc.)
- Numerous integrated libraries:
- Profiles, hardware and standard materials
- Profiles and accessories for joinery manufacturers (Forster, Jansen, Rp Technic, etc.)
- Hardware manufacturer (Wurth, etc.)
Parametric components
Maximum capitalization on your know-how. When profitability meets innovation in metalworking!
- The most complete parameterization engine on the market, totally integrated and without programming
- Unlimited fields of application (curved stringer, stair treads, railing filling, etc.)
- Integrated machining processes
Realistic rendering
An unparalleled immersion for your customers. Avoid misunderstandings and facilitate decision-making!
- Fully integrated realistic rendering
- Real-time management of PBR materials (colors, roughness, normals, metallicity, etc.)
- Real-time management of reflections, shadows and transparencies
- Positioning of 3D structures on photo
Associative design
Save time on your modifications and avoid many errors.
- Modeling of structures directly in the environment
- The modification of the environment leads to the update of the work while respecting the designer's rules and manufacturing constraints
- The update of the work leads to the update of the manufacturing documents (draftings, unfoldings, bills of material, etc.)
Automated manufacturing file
Focus on your added value by automating repetitive and tedious tasks.
- Automatic creation of drafting documents
- Automatic dimensioning/indexing
- Automated drafting bundles (assembly of several draftings)
- Automatic unfoldings of all the sheet metal parts
- Cutting lists (profiles, sheet metals, glass, wood, etc.), supply lists, purchase lists, etc.
- Export in many formats (3D PDF, IFC, FBX, X3D, etc.)
- Easier interfacing with production tools thanks to numerous export formats (Dxf/Dwg, Nc1/DSTV, step, etc.)
- Integrated bar layout to facilitate flow and better manage supplies
Work in BIM process
Integrate BIM processes serenely with a fully compatible solution.
- Certified IFC and Revit© (Rvt) import
- Management of layers, classes, groups, etc.
- Integrated libraries of classes, pset, qto IFC
- Commands dedicated to IFC (management of georeferencing, type of exported structure, history of IFC property, etc.)
- Integrated OmniClass 2012 and Uniformat II classifications
- Collaborative work on the same model with isolation of work areas, automatic assembly of areas, etc.
- IFC export (2x3, 4)
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TopSolid'Steel at a glance

TopSolid'Steel videos
For more information
The TopSolid 30 Day Trial is available for free and includes the full version of TopSolid and FREE tutorials to help you get started.
TopSolid'Viewer allows you to view and share any TopSolid document (design, drawing, machining, kinematics etc) without the need for a TopSolid license. TopSolid'Viewer is free of charge and available in versions 6 and 7.
TopSolid'Store offers free downloadable content around TopSolid.
TopSolid'Steel documentation
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