14 September 2010

Tap and accessories maker.

THG, based in the Vimeu region of France, renowned for its tap making expertise, employs 220 people and specialises in the production of tap accessories.
The integrated structure of its production process from design to manufacturing enables THG to design and produce quickly and efficiently thereby enabling the company to serve its customers worldwide (currently 70% of the company’s turnover is generated from the export market).
THG - Luxury niche markets
THG has established a reputation for its top of the class, high quality products. The company has equipped such luxurious hotels across the globe as the Arabian Tower, Dubai, the Bellagio and Caesar Palace, Las Vegas, the Crillon and Ritz, Paris …as well many luxurious yachts.
THG works with many shipyards such as Beneti, CMN, Ocean Co., Lurse, Feadship, Alloys …The marine industry represents an important market segment for THG and continues to account for an increasing percentage of the company’s turnover – the recruitment of a sales representative dedicated to this field 6 years ago gives an indication of its importance. The company participates in such trade fairs as the Monaco Yacht Show, Fort Lauderdale and the Miami Sea Trade fairs.
The production process
THG manages the design and complete production of each tap from an initial rough sketch. Its foundry, nickel, chrome and copper surface treatments, its milling and turning machining centers and its robots for polishing enables to company to complete all design to production stages in intern in a short time frame. Between 1000 and 1500 orders are dealt with in the factory per day which obviously poses an organisational and management challenge.
TopSolid'Design and TopSolid’Cam - the numerical chain is achieved
TopSolid range by Missler Software corresponds well with the concept of integration which THG promotes with its clients. Each tap, and the associated tool necessary to produce it, are designed using TopSolid. The taps and tools are then machined using TopSolid’Cam. There is, therefore, no need to re-enter information twice between the Engineering and Methods Departments.
TopSolid’s polyvalence and versatility allows the tap to be designed in 3D (more often than not complex surfaces come into play), the image to be presented to the designer and the 2D plans to be generated if necessary (such plans are not strictly necessary as the numerical chain from design to manufacturing guaranteed by TopSolid eliminates the need), design the associated tool and define the tool path necessary to produce the tap and the tool. Given the huge quantity of preliminary designs, estimates and models to design and produce in a given year such an integrated solution from design to manufacturing is the only possible solution for THG.
TopSolid has enabled THG to target a specific niche market, the high-end, luxury market, where the company has had an important success and its turnover in this market has doubled over the past 5 years.
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