

8 september 2010

A tool manufacturing company that produces tools for sheet metal parts, punching and bending tools. Lidhs Verktyg is Missler Software’s largest Swedish customer. Lidhs is a tool manufacturing company that produces tools for sheet metal parts, punching and bending tools. The tools are designed and manufactured with TopSolid, the integrated CAD/CAM solution from Missler Software.

Lidhs is a manufacturing company with strong traditions that has produced tools for the sheet metal industry since 1969. The company is under continuous development, the number of employees has grown from just 2 when the it first started out to more than 60 employees today.

Lidhs deliberately commits to investing in modern technology and the company that once started out with 100 m² has grown into a large business with a production site that is 30 times the initial size, 3000 m² The latest investments include a new bed type milling centre from Auerbach, a new 5-axis HSM-machine from Deckel MAHO and a new CAD/CAM solution from Missler Software.

“When it was time for us to invest in a new CAD/CAM system, we evaluated several systems during a time period of about one year”, Design & IT Manager Magnus Andersson, explains. “We tried several different solutions on our own jobs to see how they worked in our working environment. One of the factors that made us choose TopSolid was that Missler Software offers an integrated solution that fits our needs. We saw the solution as a whole and looked at what best fits our company and production”, he says.

Using TopSolid

The implementation of TopSolid started in June 2003: one year later all 8 design engineers at Lidhs work with TopSolid. Several design projects are already completed and new ones begin continuously. Lidhs has customized its integrated TopSolid solution to include TopSolid’Design, TopSolid’Cam, TopSolid’Wire, and TopSolid’Progress.

TopSolid’Design and TopSolid’Progress are used for tool design; TopSolid’Cam and TopSolid’Wire are used for machining. Lidhs has already begun to look at simultaneous 5-axis machining for future projects, to keep up with the future technology and demands. The ability to look ahead is a winning concept – and Lidhs will take the next step on their way to the Top with Missler Software.

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